What is cancer

Treating Ear Cancer with Ozone Therapy-A recovery journey of Kapurthala’s T-deep Singh

Oz Therapy continues to prove how healing and recovery from life-threatening diseases can be empowering and achieved without side effects. 

People across the globe are now acknowledging the effectiveness of this alternative medicine practice. 

Interestingly, the therapy has gained mass recognition due to ‘Word of Mouth’ than other means as people who have benefitted from the therapy are now sharing their success stories with their loved ones and those who are desperately looking for an effective treatment.

Deep (22) got a glimmer of hope after his uncle based in the United Kingdom told the young man’s family about the success rate of Ozone Therapy. His uncle had received Ozone therapy for Paraplegia, commonly known as leg paralysis, and has now recovered after six months of treatment. 

In 2021, when the world was reeling under the COVID-19 pandemic, Kaputhala-based T-deep Singh’s family received life-altering news from the hospital. Their son who had just passed out from school, was diagnosed with Ear Cancer. 

“The news came as a shock to me as I had never experienced any major problem with my ear in the past. It was just mild pain here and there so I never bothered to get it checked and told my family. It was only after I had started feeling acute pain and bleeding, that I told my family,” he shared. 

A sports enthusiast with a tall build-up of 6 feet 4 inches, T-deep actively participated in freestyle Kabbadi in the past but the Ear Cancer left his body fragile.

“After a few months of the diagnosis, I could barely walk. I felt excruciating pain in my knees. My weight went from 93 to 62 kg in just a few months,” he added. Singh shared that he first went to DMC (Dayanand Medical College), Ludhiana from where he was referred to PGI Chandigarh. 

“They administered me with radiation therapy and I attended 11 sessions of Chemotherapy. While the medical report stated that I was recovering, my body told me otherwise. My health was deteriorating. I was weaker than before. Besides, I was also apprehensive about the side effects of Chemotherapy,” he expressed.

Taking the leap with Ozone Therapy 

After receiving positive feedback from his uncle on Oz therapy, deep Singh decided to take the plunge.

“The team of doctors scanned my body to check for any kind of vitamin deficiencies and all other problems my body was facing due to Cancer. Along with the other treatment, they administered Ear Breathing which I found very effective,” T-deep expressed. 

“The team has also made changes in my diet. They have asked me to avoid wheat and dairy products. I was using eating oil changed from mustard oil to coconut and olive oil,” he added. 

Singh added that other than vitamins as prescribed by the doctors in oxheal, he has not been taking any strong medication. 

“Due to the excruciating pain, I used to take tramadol pain killers but not anymore. But after two months of recovery, I no longer feel pain. I feel much more energetic about my day-to-day tasks,” he shared delightedly.


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